4、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,KJQN202037, Nipbl调控小鼠卵母细胞减数分裂成熟中的作用及机制研究,2020/01-2020/12,10万元,结题,主持。
1、Jingyue Chen, Zhaokang Cui, Yawei Qiu, Xingxing Zhang, Fang Chen, Huili Wang, Bo Xiong, Yilong Miao*, Qian Gao*; Exposure to Copper Compromises the Maturational Competency of Porcine Oocytes by Impairing Mitochondrial Function, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021 Jun 4;9:678665.(IF= 6.684; IF5-2021 =7.219)
2、Miao, Yilong#; Li, Xinyu#; Shi, Xiaoyan; Gao, Qian; Chen, Jingyue; Wang, Rui; Fan, Yong*; Xiong, Bo*; Nicotinamide mononucleotide restores the meiotic competency of porcine oocytes exposed to ethylene glycol butyl ether, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021, 9: 628580.(IF=6.684 ; IF5-2021 =7.219)
3、Miao, Yilong#; Chen, Jingyue#; Gao, Qian; Xiong, Bo*; Generation and assessment of high-quality mouse oocytes and embryos following nicotinamide mononucleotide administration , STAR Protocols, 2021, 2(1): 100298.
4、Miao, Yilong; Cui, Zhaokang; Gao, Qian; Rui, Rong; Xiong, Bo*; Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation reverses the declining quality of maternally aged oocytes, Cell Reports, 2020, 32(5): 107987.(IF=9.423 ; IF5-2021 =10.394)
5、Miao, Yilong#; Wang, Pan#; Xie, Bingteng#; Yang, Mo; Li, Sen; Cui, Zhaokang; Fan, Yong*; Li, Mo*; Xiong, Bo*; BRCA2 deficiency is a potential driver for human primary ovarian insufficiency , Cell Death & Disease, 2019, 10: 474.(IF=8.469 ; IF5-2021 =8.713)
6、Miao, Yilong; Zhou, Changyin; Bai, Qingyun; Cui, Zhaokang; ShiYang, Xiayan; Lu, Yajuan; Zhang, Mianqun; Dai, Xiaoxin; Xiong, Bo*; The protective role of melatonin in porcine oocyte meiotic failure caused by the exposure to benzo(a)pyrene , Human Reproduction, 2018, 33(1): 116-127.(IF=6.918 ; IF5-2021 =7.366)
7、Miao, Yilong; Zhou, Changyin; Cui, Zhaokang; Zhang, Mianqun; ShiYang, Xiayan; Lu, Yajuan; Xiong, Bo*; Postovulatory aging causes the deterioration of porcine oocytes via induction of oxidative stress , FASEB Journal, 2018, 32(3): 1328-1337.(IF=5.191 ; IF5-2021 =5.955)
8、Miao, Yilong#; Zhou, Changyin#; Cui, Zhaokang#; Tang, Liansheng; ShiYang, Xiayan; Lu, Yajuan; Zhang, Mianqun; Dai, Xiaoxin; Xiong, Bo*; Dynein promotes porcine oocyte meiotic progression by maintaining cytoskeletal structures and cortical granule arrangement , Cell Cycle, 2017, 16(21): 2139-2145.(IF=4.534 ; IF5-2021 =4.492)
9、Miao, Yilong; Zhou, Changyin; Cui, Zhaokang; Dai, Xiaoxin; Zhang, Mianqun; Lu, Yajuan; Xiong, Bo*; Smc1beta is required for activation of SAC during mouse oocyte meiosis , Cell Cycle, 2017, 16(6): 536-544.(IF=4.534 ; IF5-2021 =4.492)
10、Gong Shai#; Miao, Yilong# et al. Dynamics and Correlation of Serum Cortisol and Corticosterone under Different Physiological or Stressful Conditions in Mice[J]. Plos One, 2015, 10(2):e0117503.(IF=3.24 ; IF5-2021 =3.788)
1、Shi, Xiaoyan; Miao, Yilong; Zhang, Kemei; Gong, Shuai; Xiong, Bo*; Ethylene glycol butyl ether deteriorates oocyte quality via impairing mitochondrial function, The FASEB Journal, 2021, 2021, 35(4).
2、Zhou, Changyin; Miao, Yilong; Cui, Zhaokang; ShiYang, Xiayan; Zhang, Yu; Xiong, Bo*; The cohesin release factor Wapl interacts with Bub3 to govern SAC activity in female meiosis I , Science Advances, 2020, 6(15): eaax3969.
3、ShiYang Xiayan; Miao Yilong; Cui Zhaokang; Lu Yajuan; Zhou Changyin; Zhang Yu; Xiong Bo*; Casein kinase 2 modulates the spindle assembly checkpoint to orchestrate porcine oocyte meiotic progression , Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2020, 11(1): 31.
4、Wang, Pan; Miao, Yilong; Li, Xiao-Han; Zhang, Na; Wang, Qilong; Yue, Wei; Sun, Shao-Chen; Xiong, Bo*; Qiao, Jie; Li, Mo*; Proteome landscape and spatial map of mouse primordial germ cells , Science China Life Sciences, 2020
5、Zhang, Mianqun#; ShiYang, Xiayan#; Zhang, Yuwei; Miao, Yilong; Chen,Ying; Cui, Zhaokang; Xiong, Bo*; Coenzyme Q10 ameliorates the quality of postovulatory aged oocytes by suppressing DNA damage and apoptosis , Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2019, 143: 84-94.
6、Lu, Yajuan; Li, Sen; Cui, Zhaokang; Dai, Xiaoxin; Zhang, Mianqun; Miao, Yilong; Zhou, Changyin; Ou, Xianghong; Xiong, Bo*; The cohesion establishment factor Esco1 acetylates alpha-tubulin to ensure proper spindle assembly in oocyte meiosis , Nucleic Acids Research, 2018, 46(5): 2335-2346.
7、Zhang, Mianqun; Miao, Yilong; Chen, Qian; Cai, Meng; Dong, Wenkang; Dai, Xiaoxin; Lu, Yajuan; Zhou, Changyin; Cui, Zhaokang; Xiong, Bo*; BaP exposure causes oocyte meiotic arrest and fertilization failure to weaken female fertility , The FASEB Journal, 2018, 32(1): 342-352.
8、Lu, Yajuan; Dai, Xiaoxin; Zhang, Mianqun; Miao, Yilong; Zhou, Changyin; Cui, Zhaokang; Xiong, Bo*; Cohesin acetyltransferase Esco2 regulates SAC and kinetochore functions via maintaining H4K16 acetylation during mouse oocyte meiosis , Nucleic Acids Research, 2017, 45(16): 9388-9397.
9、Zhang, Mianqun; Dai, Xiaoxin; Lu, Yajuan; Miao, Yilong; Zhou, Changyin; Cui, Zhaokang; Liu, Honglin; Xiong, Bo*; Melatonin protects oocyte quality from Bisphenol A-induced deterioration in the mouse , Journal of Pineal Research, 2017, 62(3): e12396.
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