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Wei Guikang was born in Shicun Village, Lingnan Town, Heshan City in southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. He runs a rabbit raising cooperative with his younger brother, Wei Guiguo.


图为韦贵康。Wei Guikang. /CGTN


Wei Guikang has been devoting all of his efforts to the cooperative. The project is not only the result of the two brothers' entrepreneurship but also a chance for many local families to get rid of poverty.


Heshan: From the city of light and heat to poverty-stricken


广西合山。Heshan is located in southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. /CGTN

合山又俗称光热城,因为盛产煤矿,也曾有过一段繁荣时期。“ 最鼎盛的时候,房子都是瓦房,真的是万家灯火。” 韦贵康回忆道。然而, 经过多年开采,合山的矿产资源逐渐枯竭,变成了一个资源枯竭型城市,又成了贫困县

Heshan used to be referred to as the city of light and heat. Coal deposits had contributed to its prosperity. "In its heyday, tile-roofed houses were built everywhere. You could see myriad lights," Wei Guikang recalls. After years of mining, the raw minerals ended. The county-level of Heshan became a resource-exhausted city and, consequently, a poverty-stricken county.

发现商机 回乡创业

Business opportunities


Wei graduated from college in 2012. After about half a year of research, he found that local meat rabbits were in short supply in Guangxi. So he decided to go back and start his own business with his younger brother. They set up a warren and divided the work.


兔场养殖的兔子。Wei brothers rabbit farm./CGTN


Wei Guikang does the sales, focusing on rabbit meat prices and marketing channels. Wei Guiguo manages the breeding part of the business, meaning that by six every morning he is already up and around the warren.


"Compared with raising chickens and ducks, rabbits are more difficult. More than 10,000 rabbits need to be health checked every day," Wei Guikang said.


韦贵康经营的兔场。Wei brothers’ warren. /CGTN


After several years, their cooperation and hard-work started bearing fruits, and the warren began to take shape and show profit.

带动当地贫困户 共同脱贫致富

Working together to get rid of poverty


In 2016, Heshan municipal government came to the brothers, hoping that they can work with poverty-stricken households to lift them out of poverty.


养兔专业合作社。The rabbit cooperative. /CGTN


However, few of those households knew about the cooperative. Due to lack of funds and technology, they were reluctant to join in.


"Poverty-stricken households in other villages were not familiar with our cooperative. Win their trust and having them join the cooperative was rather difficult," said Wei Guikang.


Wei Guikang explained the business model and how they both parts could work together. After joining the cooperative, members receive technical guidance on how to breed rabbits. He intends to show that this rabbit cooperative can truly help the poor households overcome their difficulties.


韦贵康与入社贫困户。Wei visits a poor household. /CGTN


The first problem was money, so the cooperative gives registered families rabbits to breed, free of charge.


Second, technique. The cooperative provides free technical guidance on how to raise rabbits.

第三, 销路问题。兔子养成以后,由合作社全部回收。

The third question was sales. Who would buy the rabbits? The cooperative buys all the mature rabbits that the poor households raise.


What's more, the cooperative sustains its own profits and losses regardless of the market price, eliminating the worries of the poor households.


合作社带领大家共同致富。Cooperative meeting with a poor resident. /CGTN


The two brothers visit poverty-stricken households from time to time. Through raising rabbits, they changed their fate and they also helped poor households increase their income and leave extreme poverty behind with the help of the

标签: 家畜养殖

