Originally Japanese dogs were small to medium in size and no large breeds existed。 Since 1603 in the Akita region, Akita Matagis (medium-sized bear-hunting dogs) were used as fighting dogs。 From 1868 Akita Matagis were crossed with Tosas and Mastiffs。 Consequently, the size of this breed increased but characteristics associated with Spitz type were lost。
In 1908 dog fighting was prohibited, but this breed was nevertheless preserved and improved as a large Japanese breed。 As a result, nine superior examples of this breed were designated as ? Natural Monuments ? in 1931。
During World War II (1939-1945), it was common to use dogs as a source of fur for military garments。 The police ordered the capture and confiscation of all dogs other than German Shepherd Dogs used for military purposes。 Some fanciers tried to circumvent the order by crossbreeding their dogs with German Shepherd Dogs。
When World War II ended, Akitas had been drastically reduced in number and existed as three distinct types) Matagi Akitas) fighting Akitas and) Shepherd Akitas。 This created a very confusing situation in the breed。
During the restoration process of the pure breed after the war、 Kongo-go、 a dog of the Dewa line, which exhibited characteristics of the Mastiff and German Shepherd。
However, sensible learned fanciers did not approve of this type as a proper Japanese breed, so they made efforts to eliminate the strain old foreign breeds by crossbreeding with Matagi Akitas for the purpose of restoring the original pure breed。 They succeeded in stabilizing the pure strain of large sized breed as known today。GENERAL APPEARANCE:
Large-sized dog, sturdily built, well balanced and with much substance ; secondary sex characteristics strongly marked, with high nobility and dignity in modesty ; constitution tough。
The ratio of height at withers to length of body ( from the point of the shoulders to the point of the buttock) is 10 : 11, but the body is slightly longer in bitches than in dogs。
Hair: Outer coat harsh and straight, undercoat soft and dense ; the withers and the rump are covered with slightly longer hair ; the hair on tail is longer than on the rest of the body。
Red fawn, sesame (red fawn hairs with black tips), brindle and white。 All the above mentioned colours except white must have ? urajiro 。 (Urajiro = whitish coat on the sides of the muzzle, on the cheeks, on the underside of jaw, neck, chest, body and tail and on the inside of the legs)。
In 1908 dog fighting was prohibited, but this breed was nevertheless preserved and improved as a large Japanese breed。 As a result, nine superior examples of this breed were designated as ? Natural Monuments ? in 1931。
During World War II (1939-1945), it was common to use dogs as a source of fur for military garments。 The police ordered the capture and confiscation of all dogs other than German Shepherd Dogs used for military purposes。 Some fanciers tried to circumvent the order by crossbreeding their dogs with German Shepherd Dogs。
When World War II ended, Akitas had been drastically reduced in number and existed as three distinct types) Matagi Akitas) fighting Akitas and) Shepherd Akitas。 This created a very confusing situation in the breed。
During the restoration process of the pure breed after the war、 Kongo-go、 a dog of the Dewa line, which exhibited characteristics of the Mastiff and German Shepherd。
However, sensible learned fanciers did not approve of this type as a proper Japanese breed, so they made efforts to eliminate the strain old foreign breeds by crossbreeding with Matagi Akitas for the purpose of restoring the original pure breed。 They succeeded in stabilizing the pure strain of large sized breed as known today。GENERAL APPEARANCE:
Large-sized dog, sturdily built, well balanced and with much substance ; secondary sex characteristics strongly marked, with high nobility and dignity in modesty ; constitution tough。
The ratio of height at withers to length of body ( from the point of the shoulders to the point of the buttock) is 10 : 11, but the body is slightly longer in bitches than in dogs。
Hair: Outer coat harsh and straight, undercoat soft and dense ; the withers and the rump are covered with slightly longer hair ; the hair on tail is longer than on the rest of the body。
Red fawn, sesame (red fawn hairs with black tips), brindle and white。 All the above mentioned colours except white must have ? urajiro 。 (Urajiro = whitish coat on the sides of the muzzle, on the cheeks, on the underside of jaw, neck, chest, body and tail and on the inside of the legs)。
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