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A week after we returned from the camping trip, while attending the Kansas State Fair, one of the booths we stopped at had some brochures on the risks of feral swine. While visiting with a staff member representing the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), I was told that the feral swine problem in Kansas seemed to be improving, but we should still be on the lookout for them as they are not only physically dangerous and can cause great damage to farm lands, but also because they have the potential to carry with them numerous diseases.




I picked up two brochures and read through them. One of those showed all of the diseases that feral swine could carry. There were three categories of diseases listed: bacterial diseases, viral diseases, and parasitic diseases. All of the listed diseases can be transmitted to domestic swine, and many of those are transmittable to humans.


Here are 18 diseases that feral swine can carry, according to APHIS:


Brucellosis 波状热

Leptospirosis 钩端螺旋体病

Pathogenic E. coli 致病性大肠杆菌

Salmonellosis 沙门氏菌病

Tuberculosis 结核

Tularemia 兔热病

African swine fever 非洲猪瘟

Classical swine fever 经典猪瘟

Foot-and-mouth disease 口蹄疫

Hepatitus E 肝病E

Influenza A 甲型流感

Porcine Circovirus 猪圆环病毒

Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea 猪流行性腹泻

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome 猪繁殖与呼吸综合征

Pseudorabies 伪狂犬病

Vesticular stomatitis 假性口炎

Toxoplasmosis 弓形体病

Trichinellosis 旋毛虫病

Most people involved in the pig industry are knowledgeable about these diseases and how horrible it can be if their herds, or the people they care about contract one of these diseases.


If nothing else, seeing this list proves the need that government agencies continue with feral swine eradication efforts and that ample supplies of vaccines are available to protect U.S. pig herds.


标签: 养殖专题

