室内立体种植模块厂家(巴拿马装配厂:23 m²集装框架模块屋)
No fancy words to express the project, plain is the truth! !! I am Kol, “gogohands Liu Zhiguang”, to write in “Cantonese”. Do not understand, please watch more Hong Kong TV or sing more “Cantonese”songs. . .
Gogohands Liu Zhiguang Life Records
本想今天可以出去游玩一下,想到帕劳项目的图纸都还没有做,客户在群不定时的关心一下,只能收一下心,今天出一下平面布置图。海外的很多项目我都亲自来做设计及落地方案,因为我想获得更多了解海外信息的机会,没什么比与海外客户对设计对施工方案这样的的工作,获得客户对海外市场的看法!I thought I could go out for a visit today, but I thought that the drawings of the Palau project have not been made yet. The customers care about it from time to time in the group, so I can only relax and make a floor plan today. For many overseas projects, I have come to design and implement plans in person, because I want to get more opportunities to learn about overseas information. There is nothing like working with overseas customers on design and construction plans to get customers' views on the overseas market!
拥有一个灵活的空间(具有现代住宅的舒适性和设计,并满足其所有需求),在一周的日子里,它必须能够使用与工作场所一样多的空间,因为周末是全家人的休闲和娱乐场所。丰富的储物空间和可伸缩的床将是室内空间的主角,并在小空间内为我们提供所需的灵活性。就环境而言,它的方向是这样的,它可以在一天中接收到最大的阳光,用户的视觉效果得到最大化,一个大窗口可以让我们观察到下雨时形成的小水镜,并从另一个方向观察,另一个大的玻璃开口将我们直接与专门种植的果树连接起来。然而,我们不能忽视混合物体和试图不打破现场平静的想法,因此产生了建筑类型及其重要性的想法。For this reason, the proposed conditions were to have a flexible space (with the comfort and design of contemporary housing with all the demands of it), where it had to be able to use as much as a workplace in the days of the Week, as leisure and recreation for the whole family happened on the weekend. Abundant storage places and a retractable bed would be the protagonists of the interior space and give us that desired flexibility within a space of small dimensions. In relation to the environment, it was oriented in such a way that it could receive the greatest amount of sun throughout the day and the user's visuals were maximized, a large window that allows us to observe a small water mirror that is formed when the rains and in another direction, another great glazed opening that connects us directly with fruit trees specially planted for the occasion. However, we could not neglect the idea of blending the object and trying not to break the calm of the site, hence the idea of the type of construction and its materiality arose.
为此,我们选择了一个预制系统,以便在雨天使用。一旦该阶段完成,模块将被升起、运输并放置在其最终位置。这种类型的系统不仅加快了整个施工过程,还为我们提供了极大的灵活性和终端选择,在外部选择了符合热舒适性要求的黑色注入金属蜂窝,而在内部,木板负责提供温暖和与环境和谐。For it, we chose a prefabricated system which allowed us On rainy days. Once this stage is finished, the module would be raised, transported, and placed in its final place. This type of system not only expedited the entire construction process, but also allowed us great flexibility and termination options, where a black-injected metal honeycomb was chosen outside that met the thermal comfort requirements, and inside the Wooden panels were responsible for giving warmth and harmony with the environment.
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